CCS Junior Varsity Volleyball

Sports have always played a significant role in shaping the moral character of our student athletes. Our goal as an athletic department is to raise up Christian leaders to impact the world for the Kingdom purpose using sports as our platform to reach the national level.

JV Volleyball Roster

Name Number Grade
Kaia T. #3 9th Grade
Grace A. #2 10th Grade
Maria A. #4 10th Grade
Madison C. #13 10th Grade
Kailee L. #9 10th Grade
Sarah M. #12 10th Grade
Chloe M. #1 10th Grade
Giselle O. #5 10th Grade
Audrey R. #8 10th Grade
Lauren R. #10 10th Grade
Lilian D. #7 10th Grade
Lauren F. #14 11th Grade
Ella T. #6 11th Grade
Mckenzy J. #11 11th Grade

Volleyball JV Schedule

Record: 0-0